Why A Consumer Credit Score Matters: Part 3

Employment Changes

So we have reviewed why a credit score matters. Reason number one- the interest rates charged on money you borrow from the 7/1/10 blog. Reason number two- the insurance premiums you pay since insurance companies now utilize credit scores to help determine rates.

The third reason that a consumer credit score matters to a consumer is: Employment! More and more employers are pulling credit to help determine which applicant is the safest hire. If all else is equal, same experience, same education, same great interview and yet applicant A has a 750 credit score while applicant B has a 495 credit score. The chances are very, very high that applicant A will get the job.

It is quite possible that even if applicant B had more experience and /or more education that applicant A would be hired. That large difference in credit score may make a person less desirable to an employer.

The White House recently state that there are four applicants for every job. I am not sure how accurate that is, seems like we would need a population of around 650,000,000 to make that claim but the point is............YOUR CREDIT SCORE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the hiring process.

It is your choice whether that difference is positive or negative. I can recommend a couple of credit educational products from this website....but as with all of life....the choice is yours!

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